Our Story

Meet me little family! I'm Holli & these are my amazing kids and wonderful husband. Oh the story of Swanky Baby Vintage, it's a wild one. I think really it was always in my heart because in highschool everyone likes to tell the story of how the middle school principal had to shut down my little side gig that I had going on. My mom taught me how to sew when I was about 8 and I always loved fabric, patterns and color. So in highschool I figured, "why not make some money?" I began sewing scrunchies and boxer shorts. I can remember to this day one particular pair of boxer shorts I made, they were red white and blue with stars and stripes. Those were my top seller at the time. I think those were going for about $10 at the time to all my classmates at the school. That lasted until I got called into the principals office and he told my I was violating school policies, by profiting off of items at school! He did applaud me for being a successful entrepreneur, lol!
Being an entrepreneur is in my DNA, I know that when the Lord was fashioning me in my mothers womb, that was a gift he placed inside of me. It was a gift for His Glory.
When my oldest son Bryce was born, I was full time in the real estate industry and owned my own appraisal and brokerage firm. I was incredibly successful from a very young age with that, but there was a longing inside of me to have a creative outlet and to be able to spend more time with my son and a stirring to serve my community and to share Jesus.
So I began to pray, "Lord give me a business that I can devote my time to serving the You & make a living while being creative." It wasn't long after that, my creative juices began to flow and I began having dreams of collections, prints and patterns. I would wake up in the middle of the night and draw entire collections. I mean yeah, I had dabbled with small things in the past as far as making clothes and selling them around town, but this was on a much larger scale. Swanky Baby Vintage had actually started out with bibs/burp cloths and blankets and a good friend of mine who was helping me sew at the time came up with the name of the brand.
So I took the big risk of faith and began spending hours upon hours of learning how to mass manufacture and produce clothes on a large scale. I spent nearly two years of research where every evening I would stay up late into the night after working a full day in real estate to learn the tricks of the trade. And with alot of faith, we decided it was time to GO FOR IT!
And so we did, and in 2010, we launched our first ever collection for Swanky Baby Vintage. The first collection gained immediate attention and we sold out within the first day of launch. It was an incredible feeling. Through the years we have evolved and navigated the industry. And since then, we have now launched several other brands including River + Co Kids(named after my youngest son), Timber Stitch, Fresh Frocks & Swanky Lady Vintage. I do have to say, this industry isn't for the faint of heart. There are a lot of obstacles and it takes determination and perservance to have longevity in the apparel industry.
So 11 years later, alot has changed but our heart has remained the same. My husband and I are both ordained pastors & we have served both full and part time in the ministry. Our heart has always been for Jesus and people. We have had the priveledge of helping many families over the years. We have held back pack drives, fed the hungry, hosted women's conferences & helped adoptive families raise money to rescue the orphans. We are so thankful for our wonderful customers and for this business. 11 Years ago we had no idea what we were asking for, but looking back, I'm glad we asked for this business.
Currently,we are working with some friends of ours to help fund "The Willow Project". I can't wait for you all to hear about it. It's going to be an incredible way to help the foster community and under priveledged children. So if you are reading this, know our story and our purpose is more than just clothes. Our story involves YOU & we are grateful for every single stitch of clothing you purchase. We pray over every piece of clothing before it leaves our warehouse and we are grateful that our business has been an avenue to help build the Kingdom of God!
So welcome to the family! We are one tight knit crew around here. You are more than a customer to us and if you ever need prayer, make sure to shoot us a message or drop us an email. We're not here for the one time purchase customer. We're here for WAY more than just clothing.